Thursday 4 December 2014

My gold certificate

My Reflection
I am proud of myself because I have achieved my goal for mathletics.
It was quite challenging for me to get my gold certificate
My next step is to get a another  certificate soon.

Friday 7 November 2014

All about insects

I learnt about lot of insects that are living the new zealand.
I found this work interesting  I learnt about insect. the best part was reading the books.
My next is to come up with more ideas.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

What I Learnt About Stars

I have learnt about drifferent tyes of stars that are in the sky. My next step is to write more ideas in reading. I love to learn more about stars.

My speech

the easy part  of my speech was to write the body. The hard was to think of ides for my speech.
My next step is to get it finshed.

My diamante poem.

`I have been learning to write a diamate pome. the challenging thing is to think of Ideas. My next step is to to do all by myself.